
Aralık, 2023 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Using a Youtube Video for Listening

Using a video for a listening activity can be both fun and practical for teachers. The video that I am going to use is  The Internet is Worse Than Ever - Now What?  by Kurzgesagt. I actually used this video for my unofficial teaching activity in my internship school. I used this video because it is about social media, a topic that students would be interested in and is also recent. The illustrations in the video also look very vivid and catches attention. First I asked students about their opinions on social media and if they ever come across different views and debates on social media. All of them said yes and I asked if they had ever been in a social media debate. Some of them said yes and some of them said they just prefer reading those debates because it is fun. Then I started the video and gave them a handout with questions and asked them to answer the questions according to the information provided in the video. I also did stop the video sometimes to ask them questions apart from

Listening Activity

I found a scene from ''The Office'' series on YouTube which has the option to show subtitles as well. Using scenes from movies or TV shows like ''The Office'' could be used with older learners like high school students or adults.  1- What is the reaction of the employees when the fire alarm goes off? 2-  Describe Michael Scott's approach to handling the fire drill. How does he take charge of the situation? 3-  Pay attention to the dialogue during the scene. Can you identify any lines or quotes that stand out to you as particularly humorous? 4-   How do the characters discuss and react to the events that transpired? 5-  How does the fire drill impact the relationships between the characters in the office?

Using youtube for EFL listening

 I found a TED talk I can assign to my students as homework. The tedtalk is about a 30-day challenge and it is 3 minutes long. We can do this in the classroom too. The comprehension question I have prepared: What is false regarding the audio you have listened to? a) 30 days is just about the right time to add or subtract a habit. b) His self-confidence grew as he did harder 30-day challenges. c) His new novel is amazing. d) Big changes are less likely to stick. Answer: c. Here's the link to the video if you want to check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNP03fDSj1U